8% DATA in double Hades (edging out Atma Trium by a bit). It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. ×; Level 1: 23: 478-Level 100: 193: 3317: 550%: Level 150: 219: 3743: 600%: Level 200: 245: 4169: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Axe: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Soulless Passage: A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. How do you make Ultima weapon GBF? Step 1: Obtain a Rusted Weapon. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. ID : 1040410400 : JP Name : 無垢なる竜の杖 : JP Title In the past many weapons had custom titles. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this sword transcends them all. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30% ATK 3. Its description refers to the main use of a firefighter's axe, which is breaking down doors and windows. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior element 15% / 50% Critical Hit 15% chance of dealing 50% more. Behold the ultimate katana. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this dagger transcends them all. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this. Main Summon: Support Summon: Fill 3 charge diamonds on all foes. Victoria San Juan Cruises sails May through October between Bellingham, the San Juan Islands of Washington State, and Victoria, British Columbia. The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of this claw. Use Gauph Key of Will to pick this skill:A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. New Gauph Keys for Ultima Weapon's 3rd Slot at ULB. Each of the following keys costs Meteorite ×5 to purchase. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this katana transcends them all. Perform for the gods, O wielder, the song of their demise. In general, this point is just below 13 million or 6. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this harp transcends them all. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this axe transcends them all. AES has high damage potential at low HP and provides a lot of HP but relies on buffing to make it deal any damage at high HP level. Gauph Keys. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this sword transcends them all. A mysterious object said to hold vast stores of knowledge, of which only a fraction has been deciphered so far. All things are in flux; destruction and. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this sword transcends them all. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this gun transcends them all. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Gauph Keys. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. Gauph Keys modify the skills of an Atma or Ultima weapon. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Great guide, lays everything out in a pretty easy to understand way. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. : Can equip at 5★ ObtainHP ATK C. Base Reduction Materials 1× Ultima Core This weapon is safe to reduce for recycling. 5 turns and applies a 2 turn local blind to your target with its Charge Attack. These skills can be changed at any time by using another Gauph Key. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this axe transcends them all. Applied during the attack phase. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. Key Nickname Notes Gauph Key Tria: Seraphic Key Amplifies all allies' superior elemental DMG by 25%. Standard Gauph Keys. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A dagger created in the image of one of the ultimate dragon's fearsome fangs. 75% at 75% HP, 10% at 50% HP, andgbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of its tip. Now replaced with series titles in game. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. ID : 1040907400 : JP Name : 無垢なる竜の刃 : JP Title In the past many weapons had custom titles. Use Gauph Key of Will to pick this skill:gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A staff that embodies the ultimate dragon's boundless knowledge. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. Behold the ultimate dagger. ID : 1040607800 : JP Name : 無垢なる竜の爪 : JP Title In the past many weapons had custom titles. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A spear created in the image of the ultimate dragon's great tail. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30%. Behold the ultimate melee weapon. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A katana that embodies the ultimate dragon's immovable heart. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Each of the following keys costs Meteorite ×5 to purchase. Gauph Key of Vitality +10% boost to HP Plenium: Gauph Key of Strength Boost to ATK based on how high HP is (Max: 13%) Ultio: Gauph Key of Zeal Boost to ATK based on how low HP is (Max: 30%) Ars: Gauph Key of CourageUse Gauph Key of Strength to pick this skill: Arcus Plenum Big boost to bow-specialty allies' ATK and max HP / Big boost to bow-specialty allies' ATK based on how high HP isUpdate to Shiva this timeI don't think I'll make a video for earth/wind/fire, as my 0 buttons haven't. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A melee weapon that embodies the ultimate dragon's supreme strength. : Can equip at 5★ ObtainHome • GBF Profile • Strim • Twitter • YouTube: About. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30% ATK 3. Standard Gauph Keys. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. HP ATK C. For setups in the new Sandbox, click here. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. 8% DATA in double Hades (edging out Atma Trium by a bit). ; Niyon is level 150. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of its blade. Gauph Key Dio - Boost to all allies' healing cap by 50% Use Gauph Key of Zeal to pick this skill: Gladius Ultio Big boost to sabre-specialty allies' ATK and max HP / Big boost to sabre-specialty allies' ATK based on how low HP is Gauph Key of Vitality [Skill Name] Utopia: 10% boost to weapon-specialty allies' max HP. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A dagger created in the image of one of the ultimate dragon's fearsome fangs. HP ATK C. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30% ATK 3. These skills can be changed at any time by using another Gauph Key. Gain Charge Bar +20% Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20% Strength: 20%. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. 611 likes · 1 talking about this · 712 were here. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Standard Gauph Keys. : Can equip at 5★ ObtainUpdate to Shiva this timeI don't think I'll make a video for earth/wind/fire, as my 0 buttons haven't changed f. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this dagger transcends them all. 75% at 75% HP, 10% at 50% HP, andgbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the flash of its arrow. This forces Filene to seek external supporting buffs in form of attack rate or charge bar/charge bar gain for more frequent charge attacks to prolong the buff's duration. : Can equip at 5★ Obtaingbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: An axe created in the image of the ultimate dragon's mighty arms. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. This skill damage cap does not stack with β Pendulum or Gauph Key β. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Gauph Keys. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. The previous Gauph Key's effect will be overwritten. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior element 15% chance for ~50% critical damage;ID : 1040607700 : JP Name : 無垢なる竜の爪 : JP Title In the past many weapons had custom titles. Fine to FA stuff in GBF, but I definitely wouldn't bother playing manual stuff like AH or grinding bars. The previous Gauph Key's effect will be overwritten. HP ATK C. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Use Gauph Key of Will to pick this skill:Which Gauph Key should I get for my ultima sword? It's for my light sabre team, composition is Chrysaor, Lucio, Jeanne (Grand), HalMal/Charlotte/Io (torn between the 3 as the starter). and since people always run 2 in double hades grid, it's ~48% DATA rate. HP ATK C. : Can equip at 5★ Obtaingbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A harp created in the image of the ultimate dragon's monstrous wings. These skills can be changed at any time by using another Gauph Key. A gun that embodies the ultimate dragon's world-shaking roar. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this axe transcends them all. Now replaced with series titles in game. Behold the ultimate axe. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. ×; Level 1: 22: 480-Level 100: 184: 3332: 550%: Level 150: 208: 3760: 600%: Level 200: 232: 4188: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Gun: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of its shaft. Strength: 15% Duration: 3. Strike the gods, O wielder, and prevail. Skill levels are kept the same whenever a Gauph Key is used. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Reply 3riotto Craking up my way to cancer • Additional comment actions. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. Massive Fire damage to a foe. 6 million depending on boss difficulty, but this can be lower for certain foes (e. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. . All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this sword transcends them all. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this weapon transcends them all. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A gun that embodies the ultimate dragon's world-shaking roar. Behold the ultimate katana. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A sword created in the image of one of the ultimate dragon's perilous claws. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. A giant key that can open any lock with ease. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. ×; Level 1: 29: 435-Level 100: 195: 2594: 500%: Obtaingbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A staff that embodies the ultimate dragon's boundless knowledge. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A melee weapon that embodies the ultimate dragon's supreme strength. Use Gauph Key of Will to pick this skill:We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Supernova. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior element 15% / 50% Critical Hit 15% chance of dealing 50% more. DMG Cap Scandere Catena: Gauph Key Δ A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. The glow of the azure blade embodies the spirit of being forever pure, forever righteous, serving as an eternal guidepost for the captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights. Though her spectacular abilities prove valuable on the crew's. Behold the ultimate axe. Verification needed. A sword created in the image of one of the ultimate dragon's perilous claws. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the flash of its arrow. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. ×; Level 1: 29: 435-Level 100: 228: 3029: 550%: Level 150: 258: 3418: 600%: Level 200: 288: 3807: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Sword: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. ×; Level 1: 24: 479-Level 100: 190: 3335: 550%: Level 150: 215: 3763: 600%: Level 200: 240: 4191: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Blade: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A harp created in the image of the ultimate dragon's monstrous wings. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining. Atma and Ultima Weapons In August 2017, Cygames introduced to us a new series of weapons to farm for and those are the Atma and Ultima Weapons. Sword of Renunciation: Draconic Blade: When you require the defence that Draconic Blade provides. : Can equip at 5★ Obtaingbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A bow that embodies the ultimate dragon's vigorous breath. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30% ATK 3. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: An axe created in the image of the ultimate dragon's mighty arms. Gauph Keys. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30% ATK 3. ×; Level 1: 23: 478-Level 100: 193: 3317: 550%: Level 150: 219: 3743: 600%: Level 200: 245: 4169: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Axe: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A gun that embodies the ultimate dragon's world-shaking roar. Just as the purest waters can help soothe the smoldering wounds of even the most hardened warriors, this azure blade can cut through predestined fates to arrive at a brighter future. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30%. Gauph Keys modify the skills of an Atma or Ultima weapon. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. 5 turns Applied during the attack phase. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A spear created in the image of the ultimate dragon's great tail. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but. Massive boost to melee-specialty allies' ATK / Big boost to melee-specialty allies' max HP. 窮竜杖 : Release Date: 2017-07-28欧米茄武器 (Omega Weapons) 也被称为UB武、U武,它是游戏中非常特殊的一类制作武器系列,它的一技能依照角色的得意武器种类来给予加成. ago • Edited 4 yr. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. These weapons require you to beat the crap out of Ultimate Bahamut to get meteorites and their fragments to make the Atma weapon and a Gauph Key, which gives it a bonus skill. Upgrade relic into an Atma Weapon. 75% at 75% HP, 10% at 50% HP, andA gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Massive elemental damage to a foe. ×; Level 1: 61: 381-Level 100: 256: 2621: 550%: Level 150: 285: 2957: 600%: Level 200: 314: 3293: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Harp: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. Skill levels are kept the same whenever a Gauph Key is used. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A gun that embodies the ultimate dragon's world-shaking roar. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. prepare yourself for 3~5 hour of that train,if you lucky you can have enough material for both sword and gauph key. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this gun transcends them all. Yggdrasil's Bough. Behold the ultimate gun. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Skill levels are kept the same whenever a Gauph Key is used. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this katana transcends them all. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. ×; Level 1: 61: 381-Level 100: 256: 2621: 550%: Level 150: 285: 2957: 600%: Level 200: 314: 3293: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Harp: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. IMO, one of the reasons why Murgleis fell off the meta is because of Ultima Weapons, specifically, the Gauph Key of Strife. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. This page was last edited on 10 April 2022, at 02:41. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. Behold the ultimate melee weapon. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior element 15% / 50% Critical Hit 15% chance of dealing 50% more. Unlike the divine boars before her, she doesn't possess the blessed might of her ilk, but still she ventures into the skies to prove herself worthy. ). 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A gun that embodies the ultimate dragon's world-shaking roar. gbf-wiki. Supernova. : Can equip at 5★ ObtainA gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. 窮竜刀 : Release Date: 2017-07-28HP ATK C. ×; Level 1: 30: 439-Level 100: 241: 3042: 550%: Level 150: 273: 3432: 600%: Level 200: 305: 3822: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Bow: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. 5 turns and applies a 2 turn local blind to your target with its Charge Attack. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. . Behold the ultimate axe. This page was last edited on 10 April 2022, at 02:41. Massive Dark damage to a foe. Use Gauph Key of Will to pick this skill:Barawa and Sarya: 9. ×; Level 1: 23: 478-Level 100: 193: 3317: 550%: Level 150: 219: 3743: 600%: Level 200: 245: 4169: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Axe: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. A. Skill levels are kept the same whenever a Gauph Key is used. A. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this gun transcends them all. Strike the gods, O wielder, and. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this spear transcends them all. Use Gauph Key of Will to pick this skill:HP ATK C. 3. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Massive Wind damage to a foe. Charge Attack; The Rage: Massive elemental damage to a foe. ×; Level 1: 36: 395-Level 100: 278: 2746: 550%: Level 150: 314: 3099: 600%: Level 200: 350: 3452: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Spear: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. : Can equip at 5★ Obtaingbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of this blade. Soulless Passage: A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30% ATK 3. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. HP ATK C. 10. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. This is the DPS setup Lucilius Hard. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Each of the following keys costs Meteorite ×5 to purchase. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Drawing additional copies beyond the first will instead earn a Gold Moon. These skills can be changed at any time by using another Gauph Key. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this weapon transcends them all. EDIT: Also while we're on the topic, which gauph key would you suggest, if any? My team is Siete,Lancey,Korwa in front row and Monika, Tiamat in. Behold the ultimate spear. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: An axe created in the image of the ultimate dragon's mighty arms. Once you obtain a 5* Opus with the Stamina key equipped, it is advised to not run any Bows (the damage. ×; Level 1: 22: 480-Level 100: 157: 2857: 500%: ObtainHP ATK C. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. . gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A melee weapon that embodies the ultimate dragon's supreme strength. Behold the ultimate spear. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. 75% at 75% HP, 10% at 50% HP, andgbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A bow that embodies the ultimate dragon's vigorous breath. CryptoHP ATK C. CryptoWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5 turns Applied during the attack phase. Business, Economics, and Finance. Now replaced with series titles in game. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. Very scarce sources of skills inflicting Glaciate. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of its tip. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A sword created in the image of one of the ultimate dragon's perilous claws. JP Title In the past many weapons had custom titles. Massive Light damage to a foe. Very scarce sources of skills inflicting Glaciate. The previous Gauph Key's effect will be overwritten. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to ~30%. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this weapon transcends them all. 5. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. 1. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A melee weapon that embodies the ultimate dragon's supreme strength. Reply 3riotto Craking up my way to cancer • Additional comment actions. All allies gain Element ATK Up. A. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A gun that embodies the ultimate dragon's world-shaking roar. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of its tip. 5 turns Counter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. For example, to obtain Tidings of Heavenly Light, the player must clear Dark Rapture (Hard)with a party consisting of only Light element characters. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A katana that embodies the ultimate dragon's immovable heart. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this weapon transcends them all. Perform for. Alternate skill 2: Use Gauph Key β to pick this skill: Scandere Facultas. 75% at 75% HP, 10% at 50% HP, andgbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The rocks cry for mercy, the skies tremble in fear, and the stars fall in resignation at the very glint of its blade. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. A gate to the summits of power locked within ultima weapons. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior. All things are in flux; destruction and rebirth are one, but this weapon transcends them all. To unlock the second and third weapon skills, Dark Opus Weapons need to be upgraded to Level 120 and 200 respectively. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. This effect does not stack with Seraphic Weapons. Supernova. A. 窮竜刀 : Release Date: 2017-07-28HP ATK C. Gauph Keys. Gauph Key of Zeal: Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is Up to. The types that hop between bandwagon-ing GBF and FGO based on which event is on/sub has drama. ×; Level 1: 36: 395-Level 100: 278: 2746: 550%: Level 150: 314: 3099: 600%: Level 200: 350: 3452: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Spear: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. 10% boost to one-foe attack DMG cap. Name. Behold the ultimate dagger. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. Alternate skill 1: Use Gauph Key α to pick this skill: Scandere Aggressio. A. HP ATK C. HP ATK C. It hungers to consume all of light and darkness in oblivion. Gauph Keys modify the skills of an Atma or Ultima weapon. Standard Gauph Keys. Skill levels are kept the same whenever a Gauph Key is used. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior element 15% / 50% Critical Hit 15% chance of dealing 50% more. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys. ×; Level 1: 23: 478-Level 100: 193: 3317: 550%: Level 150: 219: 3743: 600%: Level 200: 245: 4169: 650%: Crafted from: Atma Axe: Additional Slot In Party Set Extra, there are three additional weapon slots where a limited selection of weapons can be equipped. It's a tradition that, in hindsight, doesn't do a lot of good to this collab's story. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: A katana that embodies the ultimate dragon's immovable heart. Gauph Key of Courage: Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior. These gates can only be opened with gauph keys.